With Heart

"With Heart" is a compassion-driven project with a mission to extend comfort and support to individuals and organizations confronted by profound life challenges. The project centers around the creation of unique and exceptional pieces of Fine Art, each artfully capturing the inspiring testimony of the individuals who have been adopted by the organization. In addition to the artwork "With Heart" aims to provide essential funding to these recipients as well.

By embracing the transformative power of faith and art, "With Heart" seeks to be a wellspring of inspiration for others, helping them discover strength and solace in their own journeys. In doing so, the project fosters a caring and empathetic community of support and understanding. As the artistic expressions unfold, the organization remains committed to giving glory to God, acknowledging and praising His divine presence. 

If you would like to partner with this project all donations can be made in the following ways. In advance, thank you to everyone one who gives to this cause ❤️.